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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Andrew Patrick was born yesterday at 1:05PM. Mom and he are doing great. He was 7lbs and 19in long.
  2. I cant keep an anem alive..
  3. BTW... What is a BTA..... and RBTA??
  4. pictures, or it didn't happen.
  5. Nevermind.... I need the bigger ones Good luck though!
  6. do you have a camera on your phone.. I may be interested in the filter socks.. are these the big ones or the small ones? Thanks, Jake
  7. cool.. Awesome start to a weekend!
  8. Sorry you have had such bad luck. I know there is at least one major local store I will not buy fish from based on how clean they keep their tanks, dead fish in the tanks, and the quality of the fish every time I stop in. I actually feel bad for the fish in that place. 99% of my fish come from RCA. Jake and the other guys there are always very honest with me on the health of the fish and how long they have had them. Their tanks are always clean and their fish always seem to be content. I also rarely ever see a dead fish in any of their tanks. Also from the time the fish are bagged to the time they are acclimating in my tank it is less than 10 min.. I think that alone is helpful..
  9. lmao.... I would like to see the out takes of this video...
  10. weird.. I've always had the opposite results, but that was with freshwater fish. I vowed to never buy fish from a chain pet store again because I would always end up losing them. Now that I'm SW I have never bought a fish from a chain store, and have had excellent results from a local store here in N Austin.
  11. what are you downsizing to? I have a 135 I'm trying to get rid of.
  12. Jakedoza

    Free small softies

    Thanks for the GSP.
  13. Jakedoza


    Baby is due on the 3rd of next month.. I need this gone.
  14. ^^ that, i don't think will work in this case with this tank being drilled. This would be a great tank and I'd jump all over it if I had a place to put it. Check out Binswanger glass for a replacement. Might be able to get one for under $200 and then drill it yourself.
  15. Im officially jealous.. I wanna go to the mediterranean.
  16. I think i want to say it looks kina sad. The fish have no where to hide. But thats just me.
  17. Thanks you guys.. As far as lighting I am running 3 t5 48in wave point sun waves and 3 t5 48in wave point blue waves. All 54 watt.
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