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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. The RO/DI unit I have.. :/
  2. I appreciate all the input.. here are the FACTS on my tank.. I feed only ONCE A WEEK (for the butt hole effect theory)... scratch it.. this isn't the problem. Phosphates are NIL.. I have the water tested and tested and tested.... with the good kit at RCA... scratch this.. this isn't the problem... Lights... eh.. ok so they are coming upon a year old, but I've been having this problem since day one when they were new... Scratch this... not the problem.. besides.. my Coraline algae is growing great in the places that there isn't any GHA, and the coral I do have is growing.. The only factor left is my water.. The water out of the tap (behind a softener) here is right about 300ppm.. after my old RO unit it was 7-10.. now I have a 5 stage RO with DI chamber (All new filters) and the water comes out at around 15-18... The only thing that I think needs replacing is the DI resin.. Ive done some reading and from what I have read... depleted DI resin will actually put crap back in the water... Maybe this is why my water is better when not run through the chamber. As far as water changes.. I can only do a 35 gal water change at a time... It all the storage I have for new water and it takes a good 8 hours to fill. Lets see if the water is the problem.. after that I may be looking at new rock... which I really do not want to do. after reading timfish's post... My magnesium is very good in the tank.. as are all the other water parameters except TDS going IN to the tank. I have also not added much life to the tank.. I will give scrubbing the rock a try.. but I need to get my TDS down before doing that or it just defeats the purpose.
  3. I got a new/used ro/di unit today. It came with new filters... Seems ths TDS is higher with this unit than my other just RO unit. Where can I get DI resin?
  4. well... 3 days of no lights did nothing.... except save electricity.. haha
  5. ive lost a lot of my turbos as well... not sure why that is. ill try a complete black out of my tank for a few days to see if that helps.. in the mean time i also want to look for a DI system or a new RO/DI system. My lights will also need to be changed since they are coming up on their 1 year mark.
  6. It takes Youtube a little while to process the video...
  7. Added a closer look at the algae for Identification.
  8. DKh is normal.. All water parameters are normal.. I get these tested at RCA regularly as well as I test them regularly. 0 Amonia, 0 Nitrates, 0 nitrites, Calcium mag is great, DKh is fine, Potassium is very very low.... Water PPM is 5-7 going into the tank... as it has been from the start.. Algae problem comes and goes, though this time it was really bad. I do not dose the tank nor do I have a calc reactor. I have a big skimmer and a refugium that is doing well. Ill see about getting a better video of the green stuff to clarify what it may actually be. Urchins and snails do not seem to be eating it at all.
  9. Light are on an 8 hour schedule.. I'm using 6 T5s
  10. using RO but no DI. TDS is 5-7 from 300...
  11. no offense... but did you read what I wrote? I have 2 urchins and a blenny. Not sure what the Mg is sitting at though.
  12. so my 135gal tank had been up and running for 11 months now. I have the water tested regularly by myself as well as RCA and everything has always tested out fine). Yes, even the phosphates. I have added numerous turbo snails and hermits 2 urchins, and a lawnmower blenny. Flow in the tank is about 1600gph and the lights are on a timer. Enjoy the video... if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks OK.. so here is a closer look of the algae..
  13. Jakedoza


    Wife is ticked that this is not gone yet BUMP
  14. Jakedoza


    Wife wants the dining room back... we need this thing gone.. $200 bucks...
  15. Jakedoza


    Baby is here... We need diapers!!!! I need this tank GONE! Make me an offer! Also willing to barter...
  16. I've been trying to sell my exact HOB overflow for that exact price for 6 months now. I wish you luck!
  17. Thanks guys... he had his first photo shoot today. Check out the photography thread for photos.
  18. Andrew at 1 week old Photos were too big to upload. Enjoy! Oh.. The holidays are around the corner for those that may want family photos, please get in touch with me to set an appointment. Andrew needs diapers! http://www.jamsessionphoto.com
  19. Thanks you guys. Good luck olaggie! It is the best feeling in the world!
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