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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Ok... After getting an email back from R2G I have to have some sort of form.... I wish they would answer their phones... Shipping is 2 day Priority.. Since I get my USPS deliveries in the evening... sometimes around 3-5 pm I need to place this order today instead of on Thursday.. I have Stacy and Mcallahan's orders... I need your order before noon today Thanks
  2. Tomorrow at sometime Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  3. I think I am going to place an order on my own.. Being in Leander I'd rather not drive down town and back just for that.. My order is free shipping anyways..
  4. ok.. I should have read the other thread.. I will not be able to drive to Kyle to pick up my order.. so... I can place an order for us Stacy.. It should be free shipping since my order alone will be free shipping.
  5. I'm not sure if it is open or not.. according to the dates, today was the date to have the moneys by.. orders should have been in by last Wed..... I'm awaiting a reply on that.. If it is still open I will be placing an order with them.. If not, then I can do a group thing... for us Leanderthols.. hehe
  6. Did this already happen? If not I am interested in getting in on the action. ... and where will I have to pick up the order?? If in Kyle, then I'm better off doing it myself. ok.. Nevermind.. I should have read.. I will not be able to pick up my order in Kyle.. I'd be better off paying shipping than pay to drive to Kyle and back..
  7. so.. I missed the Reefs 2 Go group buy.. Did anyone else miss it and is still interested in going in on an order?
  8. I took out the camera today to play around with... Thought I would share.
  9. Jakedoza


    © JAM Session Photography

  10. Yeah.. But I need to clear out some more space.. That GHA is taking up too much space. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  11. Thanks, Yeah.. we are Leanderthols as well.. lol. Erin teaches at Running Brushy, so living up here is nice and close. Glad your 6line s off to a good start. It may be eating pods that are in there.. who knows. It was nice chatting with you, I'm sure we will see each other again.
  12. ok.. so I did not dig out my good camera to take this, but I just wanted to share my new addition with you guys. My new Desjardin Sailfin with the Yellow Tang and Flame Angel. The Yellow Tang took well to the new addition and they just kinda swam together. GHA is still a problem, but I'm taking it a day at a time.
  13. Good to meet you tonight. Good luck with the tank. :)

  14. that is kinda what I have done.. or am trying to do.
  15. LOL.. none taken.. I'd rather take care of the problem with natural sources like fish.. I may have to look for one of those. Thanks.
  16. bought the Rock off CL.. it was still wet when I purchased it.. I cured it anyways, but that is what Jeremy and I have both come to the conclusion of as well.
  17. ..... And now I have 0 TDS water... I took off the extra carbon filter as suggested and also removed the small DI canister.. I remembered I had another RO system so I used one of the canisters and purchased a DI canister from Aquatek and installed it... This will work for now, but I am wanting to get the canister type that I can refill with DI resin instead of having to purchase the disposable canisters. Now on the hunt for a phosphate reactor, but in the meantime I added what little phosban I have to the sump along with some activated carbon.
  18. What is left? I am in need of one of the TwoLittleFishes reactors. Thanks
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