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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. I really don't think that a UV will help your issue.. I think it may be more of a band-aid for your problem. Stress is the main cause of Ick. Something is stressing your fish out.. weather it be the types of fish you have in the tank together, water quality, where the tank is in your home in relation to what is out side the tank, kids banging on the glass... something is stressing your fish. I did a lot of research on UV sterilization and what I found is that they can be more harm than good by killing off the good bacteria in your tank that it needs to survive.. thus creating a larger problem. I'm not saying that everyone has the same results, but IMO if you can go without one, your tank health will be better. On the opposite side, they do kill off the bad bacteria as well.. but if you maintain your tank and are careful about what you put in the tank, then you can avoid that all together.
  2. ahhh... Didn't know that was the avatar.. Thanks.
  3. so, I loaded a profile photo but it will not show up on anything that I post... Moderators??
  4. I never could get it above 1200.. so, 1200. Lol Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  5. Subaru STi. 350hp Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  6. My 4 cylinder will rock the socks off most 8 cylinders... This will be very interesting..
  7. Awesome.. ill pm you.. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  8. I'm looking for a 55 gal drum or equivalent. I am not able to find anywhere here in the Austin area that sells them. Anyone know of a place, or have any ideas? Thanks,
  9. I would love to host a meeting, but my tank is pretty bare after fighting algae for what seems the last year... everyone could bring a frag. I want to also do a discussion on the science of advanced photography for those with high end cameras and for those that want to learn more about taking great photos at some point. but there again, I have nothing to really take photos of.
  10. After fighting an algae problem since last November I have finally beat it. Some may remember my post and video.. http://www.austinree...e__hl__jakedoza I tried everything under the sun to get rid of the algae problem... snails, algae eating fish, darkness for days at a time, I even went as far as scrubbing the rock clean, but the algae just grew back... I have to thank Jeremy (offroadodge) and hydro innovations for the tip that finally got me going in the positive direction. I had tested every aspect of my water except the magnesium. I started dosing and weeks later the algae started ending up in the filter instead of in my tank. The algae is 97% gone and I am finally ready to start adding corals to the tank. If anyone has any frags they are willing to donate, they will be appreciated. I want to get the tank looking nice so I can host meetings here in the future. I also want to do an advanced photography workshop for those that are interested, but I have nothing really worth taking photos of.
  11. Thank you btw. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  12. Used a canon 40d body with a 70-200 2.8 L is II series lens. The tubes are promasters purchased from presision camera for around 200. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  13. I bought some new extension tubes for my camera to give my lenses a closer focal length. The tubes basically turn any lens I put on the camera into a macro lens.
  14. ok.. I think you are confused... but you do make sense. The photos on the link are not my setup... they are someone elses that I got an idea from... so everything you just talked about.. is not my setup. I have a 135 with a hood that is approx 12" high that houses t5's at the moment.. thus the reason I wanted to use lenses on the LEDs.. I can get a different angle lens though if I need to. Ill be using 18 white LEDs.. and in addition another 18 blue.. (Maybe more if this doesn't end up being enough) The whites will be about 3 inches apart from each other.. and the blues will be 3 inches from each other.. Each LED will in fact be 1.5" apart, but I will most likely put them in a zig zag patern under the canopy.. Thanks for the input
  15. I don't really see how I would get much of a spotlight effect out of 18 3w LED's with 60degree lenses spaced a little over 3 inches apart.. and then to add the "actinic" blue LEDs spaced over the same area. Take a look at the 90 gal tank lit up with only 24 of the same LEDs without lenses might I add. I don't see much of a spotlight effect, but it may be difficult to see with the photos. You may be right, I may end up needing more, but I can always add more later... and right now I don't have much coral to speak of. I do see your point about the heat sinks and I have already taken that into consideration. I plan on mounting the LEDs on an aluminum strip with a thermal compound.. much like you would attach a heat sink to a computer processor. I'm not going to be able to get the LEDs from my guy like I wanted to.. so I may take a look at that site like you suggested. Thanks for that BTW.
  16. Those are neat, but one strip has 6w of output... the LEDs I'm looking at are 3w each... and wattage to $... the ones I'm looking at are much cheaper.
  17. ok.. so I have been wanting to upgrade the lighting on my tank and have thought about MH lighting.. I went to mcallahans house the other day and he showed me a LED setup that is out of this world, but pricey.. so.. I have done my research and this is what I have come up with, but I'm still crunching numbers. I have found that CREE LEDs are pretty much the standard.. I ran across this kit that I may be able to piece together for even less money, (I know people) basically getting parts at cost. Here is the kit http://www.rapidled.com/servlet/the-58/36-Ultra-Premium-LED/Detail I'm still trying to figure out if this will be enough light or if I will need more. I have a 135 gal tank, dimensions are 72"long x 18" front to back x 24" top to bottom. Here is a similar DIY with a smaller kit from the same site. http://www.3reef.com/forums/show-off-your-fish-tanks/coreys-90-gallon-build-87532-3.html#post1065163 I will be building mine straight into my canopy.. or maybe building a new canopy thoughts or ideas?
  18. I need the mg Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  19. sorry you guys... guess now we know.. I don't understand how other people have had better service and product from them..
  20. Chris, I sent your order with Mark. He did not pay for your order, will you please pay him and I can pick up the moneys from him, Thanks. -jake
  21. star looked ok.. very tiny. everything is tiny
  22. btw... i work 1-5 today.. come before or after.. this is horrible.
  23. ive opened the box... kinda feel sick.. not sure if snail usually ship with no water... but most snails had no water in any of the bags.. pistol shrimp I dont think will make it, but I could be wrong.. look very weak. They didn't ship 2 of mt peppermints and one was dead... One of the Emeralds is dead... everything is acclimating in my tank, but how do you acclimate snails that have no water?
  24. ok.. Postman called me, and the package is here.. I am going to pick it up right meow... hehe.
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