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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Jakedoza

    free corals

    Still waiting for a response....
  2. Jakedoza

    free corals

    Pm'd Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  3. I had no problem with it.. If its so great.. why does it need updates? All kidding aside, don't update it if it works. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  4. I essentially do this already.. but my salt mix tank is in the garage with a mag5 and my tank is on the other side of the wall... hole in wall... hose through wall, and into sump.. For some this may be more complicated.
  5. MAC makes a good product, but they are very proud of it... I do a lot of photo editing, but I use a Desktop system for the bulk of my editing. I do have a laptop that I do some editing on and it works for me just fine. I run photoshop cs5 and Lightroom 3. I see three options for you.. 1. If you are totally in love with MAC and do not mind the price tag, go for it. 2.. Laptops are the ONLY pre-built computers I will purchase... and I will only look at 4 brands.. IBM, Lenovo, Toshiba, and ASUS. Everything else is crap.. Yes, even Dell.. .. I know this because of the experience of being a pc tech for over 12 years. Rule of thumb when purchasing a laptop.. Never buy bottom line or top of the line.. stay in the middle. Plan on spending anywhere from 600-1000 on a good laptop. After purchasing one the first thing I do is wipe it clean and re-install the OS to get rid of all the crap-ware that is installed. PITA, but fact is... the system will run quicker. Make sure you get a 64 bit OS to take advantage of the memory and your dual core proc. 3. If you are really wanting a MAC but can't afford it.. buy a Laptop and wipe it and then install the MAC OS on it.. Heck, you can probably do this to your Dell. People using MACs and people that work there will try and tell you that it will not run as well and that it is not designed to do that, but fact is... a computer is a computer.. If you build out a MAC on their site I can build a PC for 1/3rd the price using the SAME hardware and then install the MAC OS on it and you would not know the difference. The price tag is in the MAC OS. Now, you cannot "Legally" obtain the software and install it, but I have my ways.. If interested, PM me.
  6. I'm glad he is ok... At least it was a nice day for a drive.
  7. didn't miss anything... The host never showed up.. I drove from Leander all the way down there too...
  8. I guess I'm early.... no one is here. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  9. I keep a55 gal drum full of ro/di in the garage with a mag 5 pump on it at all times for water circulation. I keep a heater in it for the winter, but the garage is isulated so for the summer I'm ok. A few hours before a water change I'll mix salt a measure with a hydrometer and a spectrometer. I have the luxury of my garage being behind the wall where my tank sits, so I put a tube through the wall, hook up to the mag 5 and into my sump filter to fill the tank. Just make sure to measure your salinty and temp and you should be fine. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  10. I too have gotten coral from Jeremy.. Awesome coral and very healthy!
  11. Hey Mark, I'm free if you want me to come check it out.
  12. RCA has plenty of room.. I'm in there all the time and have no problem with a stroller.. Not to mention Jake and those guys always ask how I'm doing when I go in there.. I don't think anyone even noticed me when I walked into Aquadome let alone asked if I could be helped at all..
  13. I was in Aquadome yesterday with my son in a stroller and a thought came to mind.... I'm glad I'm not in a wheelchair or I would not be able to maneuver at all in that store..
  14. my router does it... and i have a web/ftp server on 24/7.. there is always a way to get it done.
  15. you can use a dns. I use dyndns.com for mine. You sign up for a free account and choose an address. Mine is http://jakedoza.ftpaccess.cc . You then set up your router to communicate with the dns and it will report your IP.
  16. Easiest way is to put the DSL router they gave you into what is called "Bridge Mode" and then control your network with a router deigned to be a router. If you have U-verse you have to actually use the router they gave you though. It isn't hard to set up. Let me know if you need a hand Mark.
  17. IMO.... Smaller tanks will go through temperature changes much faster than larger tanks because there is less water to the system. Any small tank will go through changes faster than larger tanks... thus the reason they can be harder to keep. If your home stays a pretty constant temperature I do not see why you would need one, but here lately we have had to run the heat at night and the A/C in the day time. I have a big tank and do not run a heater or a chiller with no problem. The temp stays around 78-80 according to the digital thermometer pretty much all the time. On a smaller tank I probably would use a heater, just to help with temperature swings. But, to each their own. I don't think there is a right or wrong way here.. Just whatever works for you and it also depends on what you have in your tank.
  18. The tubes allow you to do everything you can do with a regular lens, or at least the ones I purchased do. I stated that the tubes give the lens a closer focal length, but in actuality the tubes move the lens further away from the sensor so that the image that they would normally project onto the sensor is now larger. This also changes where the lens focuses on an object, which is when the object is closer to the lens where the lens would not normally be able to focus on it. You can meter the light with them, but I shoot in RAW when doing things like this. When shooting in RAW, metering light isn't as important since you can adjust your exposure in post process. You do want it as close as you can get it though. I will typically shoot in Manual mode using spot metering and Auto White Balance and always use manual focus.
  19. Thanks Mitch.. These will work awesomely!
  20. I didn't have much coral to speak of, but no. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  21. I'm just saying that I wouldn't look to that to solve your issue. I wish you luck. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
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