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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Another rescue Another rescue.. I think this is some sort of tri color.. but I'm not sure on what kind.. looks like it has green polyps. Cleaner/Skunk shrimp.. just thought I'd throw that one in there.
  2. ok.. so a couple of these I think I know, but a few of them I have no idea.. Any help will be appreciated, thanks! This one I do not know.. The colors look better in the photo than in real life.. This was one of the first coral I put in the tank.. Cannot remember what they are.. This coral was from a rescue.. Some kind of SPS.. not sure on the name. This was from a rescue as well.. It was solid white when I put it in the tank.. This I got from RCA.. I should have written down the name.. This I purchased from Jeremy (offroadodge) It has lost some color and the polyps are not as extended as they were in his tank. This was from Jeremy as well... Mushroom mushroom.. but what kind? This is some kind of hammer.. but I'm not sure if there is a specific name for it.. This was from a rescue as well..
  3. Ahhhh crud!!... I totally meant to be there.. I got my dates mixed up.. Plus it was a very busy weekend with the wife and kiddo... My apologies for not making it.
  4. It wasn't the end of the world that was suppose to happen... The rapture was suppose to happen.. Not sure how everyone got that confused, but oh well... It was still ridiculous. hahaha
  5. You know how hard it is to get a picture of this little guy?!?.. Geez.. Anyway... RCA had an outrageous Facebook sale on Mystery Wrasses a couple of weeks ago, so I bought one.. If you are not a friend of theirs on FB you are missing out on a ton of sales they have just for FB friends.. not plugging them, just a friendly suggestion.
  6. I'd say it needs a makeover then. New ends, new wiring, new ballast, and lights. I'm wanting a broken fixture for the reflectors. I'd be willing to take that off your hands very reasonably if you don't want to repare it. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  7. Yup.. I saw that too.. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  8. Jealous.... Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  9. You have my number if you need help..
  10. hmmmm... note to self for the future...
  11. Soo, is this going to be in addition to the one you already have? Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  12. Using an Elos kit and I mix the water at 1.025
  13. I just switched from coralife because it was testing at 900.... Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  14. I did a mag test on the water I do my changes with. I use red sea pro and it sits at 1100..
  15. I went the natural rout... but nothing worked.. I tried snails hermit crabs urchins different types of fish including lawnmower blenny manual removal and darkness of the tank.... It grew back I even changed my entire RO/DI unit for better water quality The only thing that worked for me was magnesium.. I dosed every day for like 3 weeks straight, but I never could get it above 1200ppm. I now dose about once a week to keep it at that level. Here is a video of what my tank looked like... http://www.austinree...e__hl__jakedoza That was in December and it took a good 6 months to get rid of it all.. Good luck with the fight.. EDIT: I did not have much coral when this outbreak happened, so that is something I did not have to worry about.
  16. Me want... Your PM box is full I'll take the red sea reactor! I live in Leander. When are you available. PM me for my number
  17. If you cannot end up repairing it... I wouldn't mind having it..
  18. I am looking to get my photography business off the ground. For any ARC member I will wave the sitting fee with the purchase of a digital image disk with rights to reprint. If interested, please PM me. Pricing details are on my website. -Jake
  19. yep.. I said broken.. Any make/model
  20. cool... there isn't a race that day. I'll try and make it.
  21. yes... xp will not see all that mem... that is why i suggested win7 64 bit.. your system will rub faster .... and your on board video card is utilizing some of it as well.. edit... it will run faster too... lol
  22. Dave, You have a system that is equivalent to a $1100 Mac Book Pro.. This is directly off the Apple site.. 13-inch: 2.3 GHz 2.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 4GB 1333MHz 320GB 5400-rpm1 Intel HD Graphics 3000 Now if you want something better under 2k.. I see only two options on the Apple site that I would even consider.. 13-inch: 2.7 GHz 2.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 4GB 1333MHz 500GB 5400-rpm1 Intel HD Graphics 3000 All of this for 1499 plus anything Apple tacks on after purchase. 15-inch: 2.0 GHz 2.0GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 4GB 1333MHz 500GB 5400-rpm1 Intel HD Graphics 3000 AMD Radeon HD 6490M with 256MB GDDR5 $1799 Before all the other fees and stuff But both of these systems use a 5400 RPM hard drive which WILL BE the bottle neck in both of these systems. Personally I would not buy a 5400 RPM drive to put in a system because it kills the performance of the entire system. Hard drives are already the slowest thing in computer systems, Mac or PC. But you can add a Solid state drive to either of these systems. 128GB $200 256GB $600 512GB $1200 If you want my professional opinion... I would keep the laptop you have, wipe it and install win7 64 bit. It will run smoother and it will utilize the 4GB of RAM that XP will never see as well as the dual core processor. I would save my money and buy a Desktop system. With 2k I could build a system that will out perform any Mac as far as hardware is concerned. Just my $.02 Good luck with the shopping. I'm sure you will be happy with what you decide to do. Personally I would love to get my hands on a Macbook, but knowing the price of hardware, I could never stomach buying one. The Calibrated screens are a plus
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