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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. what are your phosphates?
  2. lights added about 2.5 weeks ago. I added 2 t5s on the 6th and then 2 more 5 days later.. I am now running 10 t5s. 50/50 white and actinic. Here are photos.. sorry about quality, they are from my cell phone.. This is a green slimer Purple something yellow milli Not sure on this one..
  3. it seems like my corals are starting to die.. at least it looks like it. I recently added more t5 lighting to my tank and thought that would help with growth. My water parameters have always seemed ok.. I tested them today see below for results. ammonia - 0ppm nitrates - 0ppm nitrites - 0ppm calcium - 520ppm alkalinity - 8dKh, 2.85Meq/L, 143ppm magnesium - 1200ppm phosphates - 0ppm salinity - 1.025 I have been dosing strontium and Magnesium anyone have any advice? Thanks...
  4. That is what I said too... Good luck.. Here is what mine looked like..
  5. If it is the same thing that has been going around.. it is not GHA though it looks like it. I had this same problem.. I raised my mg and got results immediately. Believe me, I tried EVERYTHING before I did this because I thought it was GHA. Ended up being some kind of Bryopsis..
  6. Yes , the 9th is fine. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  7. I guess re-schedule it.. if everyone has already made plans... Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  8. Address is 305 Briarwood Dr Leander, TX 78641
  9. Umm... I already offered to have the meeting here at my house.. What else is there to do?
  10. I talked it over with the wife, and If you want... we can keep the date for Next Sunday if you want to have the meeting here at my place instead.. Just a thought.. I know people have already scheduled to go to this meeting and the weekend of the 4th, most people go out of town and are spending it with family. LMK ASAP. Please.. I have a big back yard, a garage to set up tanks and whatever, can provide electricity and also have a grill for anyone that wants to do that. Jake
  11. Prayers are with your family... how does this affect the July meeting that I have scheduled to host on the 9th?
  12. It's doing well.. I put it in the main display. I also put some of the other in the main display.. The tangs ate it all up.. I'll have to pull more out of the refugium for the tangs. I'm now fighting Ick for the first time. Stuff always happens when you go out of town.. Gone for the weekend and come back with my Desjardins Sailfin being covered in ick.. It's now under control and looks gone, but I'm still treating.
  13. I guess everyone is different.. If you have ever been to any LFS their acclimation process is just be floating the bag for a temperature acclimation and then releasing the critter slowly. This is how I have acclimated everything in my tank and have never lost anything due to acclimation or putting it in the tank.
  14. There really is no difference except that the rock that is not cured will have to be cured. You may also want to boil it to kill anything that may have been in it since it will be an unknown. You should check the tank condition of the rock you get that is cured. If the tank conditions are undesirable, then you will want to dry and boil (cook) it out and start to re cure it as well. If I were to do things over from the beginning I would dry and boil everything before putting it in a new tank, but this can be debated. The reason I would do this is because of my experience with buying rock that was established that leeched for almost a year. I fought an algae problem because of this and it made things rather difficult. Again this is my opinion for a new tank owner. As far as limitations before it was cured.. With a reef/salt setup you want to do things SLOWLY.. It is key to have patience in this hobby. How long it takes to cure the rock will depend on how much you are going to cure and how big the tank is. While curing I will advise NOTHING be put in the tank while the process is going. My tank (135 gal) sat for a month without livestock of any kind while the rock cured. And after that I started with crabs and a couple of weeks later snails. It was 2- 2.5 months total before I even thought about adding fish. This is essential for a healthy stable tank. If you don't have patience, I would seriously consider a different hobby. Good luck and I hope you enjoy you new tank.
  15. I am putting it in my calendar now.... I will be there providing I do not have a hockey game..
  16. nice... Looks good. Makes me want to do so much more to my setup, but money is an issue.. :/
  17. Nice wood work... I need a truck and some tools..
  18. Hmmm.. ok, that makes sense. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  19. I would have thought that the euro brace on top would have needed to be one piece to actually be effective..
  20. Ive done both colors and I have to say I like the dark blue the best... And instead of mine being painted dark blue I have a piece of plastic sheeting that sits behind my tank.. It is nice to be able to remove to be able to see behind the rock work if I drop something or if something falls back there.
  21. ok.. green millepora sounds familiar.. Thanks again you guys
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