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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. This leaked like a sieve by the way... I know you said you didn't use it and got it from someone else, but I thought you should know.. The problem in in the cap itself and not the seal.. I semi repaired it but now that I replaced the media in it once I need to buy a new one. I'm REAL frustrated...
  2. yeah yeah., I know... I just want to know what it is so I can get to the root of the problem and not just put a bandaid on it. Even if it comes to a complete tear down..
  3. I'm sooo *&^%$ing sick of this crap!
  4. what does a new probe run for this thing?
  5. I'm looking at buying a few things.. needing more flow in the tank, so I'm looking for some power heads.. preferably ones that can be controlled. needing a PH controller for a calc reactor, a tank controller is an option too if the price is right.. needing an O2 tank with regulator. Thanks
  6. Yeah.. my thoughts exactly.. Sent from my CM7 Android
  7. Welcome to the party! Patience is key.. and don't be afraid to ask any questions.. The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask IMO....
  8. There is one on CL.. http://austin.craigslist.org/for/2435498054.html
  9. I'm going to be recording this and watching it... http://animal.discovery.com/videos/tanked-an-aquatic-artform.html
  10. I'm looking for one, but 450 is WAY above my price range, and I don't want to embarrass you with an offer.. I can ALWAYS barter computer work or photography work though
  11. I'd try putting a a little current to it to see if it moves.. If it isn't attached, then it is probably toast.
  12. It was my pleasure you guys.. The ones that partook in the homebrew beer, I'm glad you liked it.
  13. ok sounds good you guys! can't wait.
  14. poorest customer service... at least my experience.. He flat out said he wouldn't answer questions I had out of fear I would go somewhere else... Guess what!?! I did.. and I'll never go back.
  15. I guess a time would be a good thing.. 1pm is what works for us. Edit.. oops.. I didn't see the time that was posted.. 3 is fine. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  16. I'm biased towards River City, though I have visited all the others.. They are always friendly and knowledgeable.. The facility is clean as are the tanks.. The livestock is dated on the arrival date.. And I get 10% off livestock and hardware. I have my reasons for not going to the other places, but I'm not going to speak negative about them publicly.. if you want to know more you can PM me.
  17. Jakedoza

    Sailfin Rescue

    Is it a Pacific or a Red Sea Sailfin? There is a big difference.. I know for fact that the Red Sea will be fine with the yellow tang... I have had both in my 135 for quite some time.. I did have a yellow tang before I got the saifin and they got along fine.. My yellow ended up dying of unknown causes, but the sailfin was never aggressive towards the yellow tang. Several months later I purchased another yellow tang.. They fought for about 48 hours and now they swim with each other and graze all day. Good luck with the re-homing.. I'd take him, but I have 2 tangs already and that will not go well.
  18. I pulled two of my white lights and have been feeding like hell... Coral are starting to extend more.. now to work on color.
  19. I can do that. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  20. No dosing.. I just run a phosban reactor. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
  21. hmmm... that actually sounds legit.. I added a bunch of seaweed to my refugium about two weeks ago as well. I feed every day, but I suppose I can feed more.. or do something. I have also been dosing iodine as well. Ill see about getting some sort of amino acid and possible feed more.
  22. Would reducing the light output help with recovery? Sent from my Android using Tapatalk
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