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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Here is a video of the tank for those that are interested...
  2. That is no bueno.. I think I may have access to one. Thanks though!
  3. I got the palys in Aug... replaced light in Sept.. and here it is Dec.. Anyone have a Par meter I can borrow or that can come use it on my tank.. I'm curious now about my lighting..
  4. Ha Ha.. That was great! I could have gotten you some real guns...
  5. Thanks James.. They are still multiplying.. Here to hoping that they color back up.. along with everything else in the aquarium..
  6. cool.. yeah I think you probably nailed it on the head.. It was a slow change over a few months. I bought those palys at the annual frag swap, so you know how long it has been for them to look the way they do. I purchased new lights in Sept and went from 6 t-5s to 10 over a period of 4 weeks. The phosphate test that RCA used was the expensive one.. not sure of the brand but they are something like $200 if I were to buy it. Thanks for your input.
  7. This is happening to ALL the coral in my tank.. not just these.. This was just a photo example..
  8. scott... looks awesome.. You are doing exactly what I am going to do on my 135.. lol Can you post the model numbers of everything you purchased so I can get a quote? That would be awesome. Are you using any lenses at all? Thanks I'd love to see more photos as well.
  9. I got the Palys at the frag swap from JamesL All the SPS I had died from the bottom up.. I have a Galaxia that is doing great.. but then again the color is not there and the polyp extension is only about .5 inch. I have a superman monti that is doing ok.. but color again is crap..
  10. Thanks.. It is placed on the opposite side of the tank as the power heads for that reason.. Ill keep an eye on it tonight when the lights go out.
  11. Temps were swinging anywhere from 76-82.. but occasionally went as high as 84 on the rare occasion I forgot to put the fan back in the canopy.. Now that I have the chiller, temps are not a problem. constant 78.. As far as color, all coral has been affected. As far as shriveling, all softies (xenia, gsp) My gsp is growing and my zoas are multiplying though very slowly..
  12. Here is a little about my setup. Tank: 135 reef Lighting: 10 4ft T-5 54w 5 of which are blue wave and the other 5 are sun wave. Replaced in September. Flow: Main return Mag-12, 3 K3s in tank.. recently unplugged one Calcium reactor has been on tank for 3 months now kH is at 11 1/4 hp chiller set at 78 has been on tank for 1 week recently pulled phosphate reactor.. Water tested at RCA with 0 phosphates All other water parameters test perfect.. My tests and RCA.. Been dosing Kent Lugols every week for the past 4 months or more Recently started dosing phytoplankton Recently started dosing Kent Essential Elements Problem.. My Fish are doing great, they are fat and healthy.. My coral is growing.. but have no color and some have shriveled.. Here is a photo of one pally.. Oct and Jake at RCA thought that my water may be too clean... also temperature.. (I now have a chiller) Any other ideas are greatly appreciated... Thanks. Before... Now
  13. So I finally got me a RBTA!! WooHoo!
  14. Pretty... That is a pacific not the desjardin.. They get BIG.. I'd say you need 160+ gal tank for it.
  15. I am always willing to host a meeting..
  16. Good prices too.. Ill hold out now for RCAs annual holiday sale.. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  17. Cash UP Front goes further.. Who said I didn't have cash for what I said I wanted? .. and I would not dare treat ANYONE on this board like that. First dibs gets first dibs unless they back out when it comes to anything that I try to sell on this board. On top of that.. The person who purchased everything out from under everyone else that jumped on it is also very disrespectful. Something I could never do to fellow reefers on this forum.
  18. yeah... kinda crappy in a way.. but what can you do? To me, respect and honesty goes a long way and says a lot about someone.
  19. ahh.. guess I didn't read it right.. cool to know about the other thing though..
  20. still waiting.. guess he is at work.. or busy getting things ready to move.
  21. Anyone get a PM back yet? Just curious..
  22. Ill take the carpet and green hammer..
  23. No thanks.. I wanted the MH.. You did what I think I would have done..
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