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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Thanks James.. What needs to happen if a sponsor will not honor what they post on ARC?
  2. Same thing I was told... I'm not going to join a store club just to get a discount.. I joined ARC and will support its sponsors..
  3. Thanks.. Not sure why I was lied to at Aqua-tek then.. Seems a bit fishy to me..
  4. ok.. I went through each sponsor.. Here is the result of them letting us know they have discounts or not.. Aqua sd.. nothing Aquatek.. nothing Aqua-dome.. nothing Austin Aqua Farms.. nothing BRS.. nothing Coral Rx.. nothing Epic Reef.. nothing Frags and More.. nothing Mr Cobbs.. pinned under incentives/discounts Mr Saltwater Tank.. nothing Reef Cleaners.. Has discount pinned.. but doesn't list what the discount is. RCA.. Pinned clearly Salty Supply.. nothing Vivid.. nothing So far RCA , reef cleaners, and Mr Cobb are the only sponsors I'd do business with.. and the only actual sponsors of this forum.
  5. I've looked on their threads.. Aquatek doesn't advertise anything.. and last month when I was in there they told me they didn't do anything for ARC members.. I didn't see anything in Aqua-dome's, but I may have missed it.. Last I was in there I was told they did nothing, so I have not been back since.. It would be nice for each sponsor to sticky what they do for ARC members.. I like how Jake at RCA did his.
  6. Jakedoza


    Could you please post what benefits you give ARC Premium members.. So far I only know that RCA gives a 10% discount on anything in store for members, Aqua-tek does nothing, and Aqua-dome does nothing.. If this has changed Please let me/us/ARC know. Thanks
  7. So, It has been about a month since I posted this.. and here are some results.. You can see the video posted in reply 19 on the first page.. Well, here is what the tank looks like now. You first notice I've added a bunch of soft coral and LPS.. Color is slowly coming back in the original coral in the tank. What did I do? I removed the sock filter from my tank. I put my skimmer on a timer with my main lights I started feeding RODs food every night as opposed to every 4 days I started dosing phytoplankton every night I started dosing Kent Essential Elements once a week On a different note. I started growing my own phytoplankton
  8. I got a new camera and case for Christmas for when I go diving..
  9. Jakedoza

    galaxea after

    Taken 8 January 2012
  10. Jakedoza

    galaxea before

    Taken 26 May 2011
  11. ok.. I guess I'll go first.. These photos aren't really taken with winning a photo contest in mind. They are only taken to show the growth of the coral. This is a Galaxea Coral. The first photo was taken on the 25th of May of last year. The second photo is of the same coral and was taken today (8th Jan 2012).
  12. Wait a minute, then you take away the one prize I have to give away ... a premium membership In all seriousness though, we have to strive to find a good balance of incentives for getting people to become premium members. With the low contest submissions we had last year, I would be afraid that the contest would end if it was premium only. But this does bring up a good point. Maybe in the future premium members might get an extra prize..... Premium member renewal.. I do like the idea of something different. I feel like every time I enter I win, or come very close.. I'm more interested in the sponsor membership though. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  13. I also feel that only premium members should be allowed to win any contests. ie... the photo of the month..
  14. Not any time soon with our financial situation.. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  15. We are not going to store these items and Andrew has out grown them. Will sell all of these items together for $50. Items also prices separately. Fisher Price Baby Bouncer $20 Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium Swing. This item comes with an A/C adapter and it does have the tray even though it is not pictured. This item was only used a handful of times. Will sell for $50
  16. last I asked.. and this was about a month ago.. They had their own membership club that you had to pay for, but nothing for ARC members.. as does aquadome.. If you ask me.. if a LFS wants to be a sponsor on this forum, they should offer something in return to its members.
  17. our discount to RCA elevates the "sales tax" issue... but it would be nice if other LFS had a discount program. RCA is the only one that does around here. Thanks Jake, You are Awesome!
  18. tank dimensions? Its beautiful!
  19. can't be any different than charging an auto A/C system.. Make sure you have the right kind and proper amount of oil in the system, evacuate it.. then add the proper amount of Freon. It is actually quite simple. If you don't know what you are doing, then go with someone who does.. I suppose Hydro is the man for chillers, but anyone who does refrigeration or air conditioning could do it with the correct information on the model of equipment.
  20. Nice.. People don't realize that fish are pets too... Glad someone thought about it.
  21. If you are reading 000ppm on Mixed salt water, then there is a problem with your meter.. Never measure mixed salt water with a TDS, only RO/DI.
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