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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. I can't bring Homebrew to venues.. BTW.. The title says spring... Last I checked June and July were in the Summer..
  2. It isn't.. I have a lot of room inside, and I have an insulated garage. .... And I'm sure I can brew some beer and have it on tap.. but Ill need at least a month notice for that..
  3. I am also willing to host.. Any month except July.. I will be in the Bahamas..
  4. Beautiful... I would love to be able to grow these kinds of coral..
  5. These kind of questions can always turn into "this camera brand is better than that camera brand".. I really don't think you can go wrong with either a Canon or Nikon point and shoot camera. Personally I'm a little biased to Canon because that is what I own and use. My wife has a Canon Elf, as do I and they work brilliantly. I also like the fact that most of the Canon point and shoots can be hacked with CHDK to give them more abilities, but I know all of that may be over your head.
  6. Jakedoza

    I Need..

    Sweet.. That will work great.. I can bring you some of this culture if you want.. I'll PM you for details.
  7. Jakedoza

    I Need..

    They are for my beer brewing hobby.. I'll fill them with water and freeze them for my fermentation chiller.. I can give you some of my phyto culture though if you are interested..
  8. Jakedoza

    I Need..

    I need some empty 2 ltr bottles with lids, color does not matter.. If anyone in the North Austin area has a couple that would be great.. I only need about 4 of them. Thanks -Jake
  9. Hey Dave, Are you going to need any help on the topic side of things? I can help with some instruction/teaching if needed. LMK. -Jake
  10. Thanks.. and thanks for the ID James. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  11. Holy cow.... er.. snail... I'd a never thought in a million years..
  12. What kind of trap? I made one and removed damsels from my 135.. took some patience, but it worked.
  13. How long do you let it go before you start harvest? Will it get darker green at all?
  14. So a couple of weeks ago I decided to start growing my own phytoplankton since it can get rather expensive buying it, and it is pretty easy to grow. I did some research online and followed some general directions. What you need: aquarium air pump Air tubing light timer simple CF light or small aquarium light At least 2 2ltr bottles Miracle grow all purpose plant food Kent essential elements salt water (Not from your aquarium) a starter culture Since I had all of this equipment already, all I had to purchase was the starter culture. I bought this starter from RCA. I then took a couple of empty 2 ltr bottles and pulled the labels off, rinsed them out thoroughly,and drilled a hole in the lids large enough for the airline to fit through. I also drilled a second hole in the lids for air to be released. I started with one bottle I then filled the bottle with fresh clean salt water. Added 5ml Miracle grow all purpose plant food. 1ml Kent Essential Elements, and then added a good amount of the starter culture. I did not use all of it in the event that the culture crashed. I then put the culture under the cabinet with the light and air pump. The light timer is set for 16hrs of light and 8 hours of darkness. The air pump works 24/7. Every day I would turn the bottle upside down real quick just to stir up the contents on the bottom After 5 days I took the empty 2ltr and added everything except the starter culture. I then poured the mixed contents in a pitcher. I poured half of the culture that was growing into the new 2ltr and then topped off the 2 bottles with the new mixed water from the pitcher. They have sat for another 5 days and now I have 2 2ltr cultures ready for harvest and ready to dose into my tank. Here is where I originally got the info on starting my phytoplankton cultures. http://www.melevsreef.com/phytoplankton.html
  15. This would probably get more views if it were in Hardware.
  16. I quit using my filter sock.... not sure how you would make one though.. They are not that expensive.. 12bucks I think at RCA.
  17. you should post a video of that.. I'd like to see it.
  18. sorry if I stirred the pot.. I am looking forward to the 2012 year with ARC.
  19. I would agree with you, but 2 out of 3 LFS have their own club and give a discount program. The other one, (RCA) gives a 10% discount to ARC members.. They are giving discounts, but they are not giving them to ARC members.. Personally, I'm more opt to shop at a store that sponsors this forum and its members before a store that wants it's own club members. Nothing against the other LFS, this is just my personal preference.. My main reasoning for starting this post was to make sure all the Sponsors were up to date with their ARC discounts as ARC is making changes... and for the fact that I have gotten different information from one of the LFS in person than what they post on this forum as a sponsor. Edit: These discounts are not expected of me as a premium member, but if a LFS is a sponsor, I certainly do expect something in return. That is the quid quo pro of being a sponsor.. you get advertisement to a target audience and in return you get more business and give a slight discount. I will be buying a sponsor membership for my photography business and will be giving a discount to all ARC club members.. It is only fair IMO. It also helps build good business.
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