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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. I can count on one finger how many fish I have lost due to disease since I have started my reef aquarium (3 Years). I see nothing wrong with QT, but you also have to be a smart fish purchaser as well. I do not buy fish sight unseen, I do not buy fish that do not look healthy or do not act the way they are suppose to. I do not buy fish that came in to the LFS the day before or same day.. You have to be smart about it. It may sound weird, but I find that most people who are paranoid about loosing fish loose more fish than people who are not.
  2. Cool.. it should be fun. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  3. I believe Patrick (Subsea) has done this..
  4. A QT tank for me would be bare bottom and clean salt water from my main display.. Nothing special.. put a circ pump or airstone in there and dump a portion of the water every couple of days and top off with display tank water..
  5. I get my fish from RCA. I have never QT'd any fish. I like the way that Jake lists the date that he received the fish. I try and not buy fish that have just arrived for stress reasons. I think that if you are that worried about it than it is best to QT yourself, which it sounds like you are doing.
  6. I would like to know more about this. I use a micro/macro lens, but your use of extension tubes has peeked my curiosity. Are they metered? Dave- There are Pros and Cons to the tubes. I did not have the funds for a dedicated macro lens, or at least the one I want. Here is a good site that explains it well. http://www.cambridge...bes-closeup.htm And yes.. the ones I have do allow the lens to talk to the camera.
  7. It was great meeting you as well. Wish we lived closer so we and the kids could hang out. Maybe we can plan something.
  8. I kinda like the idea of something on a week night.. simply because weekends should be spent with family. I can also understand that not everyone can attend on a weeknight. I'm working with another member of the forum on this. I'm sure we can all come to an agreement and work something out. As is, it looks there may be more than one class going on anyway.
  9. soo.. That is 8 people.. More than enough. I was thinking having something with no more than 5 people at a time so everyone could get the most out of it and so there will be more one on one help if needed. What day of the week will work best for everyone?
  10. Yes, something like that will work since it has the "creative" settings on the camera. You will be somewhat limited as far as macro and editing goes, but you could still get good images. DSLR's have a lot more capabilities with different lens options and the ability to shoot in RAW for when it comes time to edit the photo. I have always said.. it isn't the camera that takes a good photograph, it is the person behind it. But with a better tool, more capabilities open up.
  11. I want to take a poll to see who would be interested in learning more about Advanced Photography. This would not be part of the regular monthly meetings. This would be me, opening up my home to a few people at a time to give instruction on advanced photography. I may end up turning this into something monthly on my own to cover a range of different topics. I have not decided on topics and this may be something that a poll is taken on as well later on down the line. Starting out requirements will be you having a DSLR camera. Thanks, -Jake
  12. I use a Canon 40D body with a 70-200 2.8f lens. I use extension tubes for the macro photography. I do not use a flash. I clean the glass inside and out, clean the camera lens. When taking photos I get the lens as close to the glass and as parallel to the glass as possible to keep from getting distortions. Here is the setup I use. I use Photoshop CS4 and Light room 3 for editing.
  13. Just did.. Let me know when and we can set something up.
  14. All photos copyright JAM Session Photography
  15. Are water changes over rated? I know there will be a lot of different answers here and I know it also depends on application... but I'm curious.. I have a 135G Mixed reef with mainly LPS and Softies. I have not done a water change since Thanksgiving and I have to say.. All of my coral have increased in color, size, and extension. My fish are all healthy as well. So.. why spend the money on salt and water then? I want to know ARC's opinion.
  16. My wife would crap a brick... but man I want a bigger tank.. Good luck with the sale. I'm interested in the MH if they don't sale with the tank though..
  17. Thanks for the votes you guys.. Great photos all..
  18. Broke the camera out this evening for a few quick shots.. Enjoy
  19. You can get the same effect without all the lights and filters, but you do need a professional quality lens and good camera body. shoot the tank with actinics on but don't use a flash. If you shoot in RAW format you can apply filters in post processing to get the same effect. It seems most people think that you have to use a flash to take good photography. The real reason is that most cameras are simply not fast enough to get a good low light photo without a flash, so the flash kicks on. The problem with that is you end up with a result that is undesirable because that isn't the way you see the object. The flash neutralizes (or tries) the white balance, and produces more light so the slow camera can take a faster shot. This is a really cool setup though and I like the photos.
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