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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. It is really hard to make a good DIY with photos when you can only post 10 photos at a time.. I can understand the case for storage, but I host all of my own photos.. Can this be changed for the DYI section at the least? Thanks. -Jake
  2. cool... wouldn't want that thing to get a hold of your foot.. er.. any shark for that matter..
  3. I've done a LOT of wet side plumbing... If it is going to have any sort of pressure you want to use it. The primer does a couple of things when using it. one, it cleans. two, it melts the PVC slightly to make it sticky and when it all evaporates the pieces are essentially welded together. three it gives the glue something textured to adhere to. You don't have to over do it on the priming, but for pressurized pipes I deem it necessary. Drain pipes you can just glue so long as they are clean. Good Luck
  4. Update.. We have viable yeast.. 7 hrs later..
  5. might want to check with Dave (dapettit). I know he is planning on a class, but not sure on the requirements.
  6. After the boil you want to cool off the wort as fast as you can so you can add the yeast. If you add the yeast with it being too hot it will kill the yeast. To do this I have what is called a wart chiller. This is a coiled copper tube that I connect to a water source. Cold water runs through the coil transferring heat to the water thus cooling the wort. After it is cooled to under 80F I can put it in the flask and add the yeast. After I add the yeast, I swirl it violently and set it on the stir plate for a period of 2 days. The yeast will gradually multiply, eat the sugars in the wort expelling alcohol and Co2 I will keep you updated step by step on this process..
  7. With the March meeting ahead of us and it being at my place I have decided to get started on something that is appropriate for both the subject of the meeting ahead and the month of March. That is right... I am going to be serving a DIY or better known as Homebrewed Beer. I made a trip to Austin Homebrew Supply(AHS) this morning to pick up the ingredients for the beer. I will be making a straight up Hefeweisen. Hefeweisen is German for yeast and is an unfiltered wheat beer. I am making this beer from what is called a mini mash or a combination of grain and extract brewing. It uses a concentrated malt extract with grains for brewing. Here are the ingredients for this beer. I have 5lbs Wheat Extract, 1lb Red Wheat, 1 vial liquid White Labs Hefeweisen Yeast, 1oz Hallertau German yeast. What I am doing today is making what is called a yeast starter. Doing this does 3 things. It makes sure your yeast strain is a viable strain It creates more yeast for your fermentation process with more yeast it cuts down on the fermentation time Doing this calls for an additional ingredient called Dried Malt Extract (DME). Basically all I will be doing is making a small batch of beer. Start off with Sterilizing everything that will be in contact with the (Wort) after the boil. your Mash is essentially your beer before it has fermented. I start off by taking 8 cups of water and bringing it to a boil. After it starts to boil I add 2 cups DME and stir in until it dissolves. Bring down the temp so that is doesn't boil over. Maintain a rolling boil for 20 min.
  8. How come I knew you would be the first to reply on this.. lol This will be fun.
  9. Here it is.. I am starting 2 Advanced Photography classes for 5 people each to attend. (couples considered 1 person) The first class will be held once a month on the first Saturday of every month at 2pm. The second class will be during the week and a little more flexible since I will have to work around my wife's schedule. We will set these dates Month to month at each meeting. I am going to tentatively schedule the first meeting on the 5th of next month (Monday night) starting at 6:30 PM. These will be first come first serve starting now.. I will keep the same 10 people for the year and start back over next year. Since Dave will be doing an Advanced class for Point and shoots I am only going to be accepting people with DSLR cameras. What to bring: DSLR camera Memory card for camera Batteries for camera Manual for the camera Tripod if you have one External Flash for camera if you have one Something to write on and with if you want to take notes Laptops are welcome and encouraged for photo editing purposes. A way to get your images from camera to your laptop. If you don't have a card reader, I do have one on hand. A smile and an open mind This will be as much of a learning experience for me as it will be for you. Please PM me if you want to join the class and I will keep everyone posted as to what openings are available. This is a FREE class.. All I ask is that you have your ARC Premium Membership. -Jake Sat: Mitch Don Duncan o0zarkawater Grim Michae52 Weekday Night: CapsAzN
  10. Not to rain on your hopes... but I doubt it works.. It didn't for my algae problem.. Here is hoping for you though. That looks exactly like the outbreak I had.. and the amount too.. It took about 2 months of Mg dosing to rid my 135 of it.
  11. pics? I thought I had GHA at one point, but it turned out to be bryopsis.. I tried EVERYTHING under the sun for GHA.. I finally got rid of it by raising my MG to 1800 until it all died out.. then slowly lowered it back down. Here was the thread.. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/15328-green-algae-help/page__p__106207__hl__+algae%20+problem__fromsearch__1#entry106207
  12. Good to see everyone there tonight.. I will post photos later.
  13. Ducati... Nice.. better post pics..
  14. Are going to be at the meeting? I can use one or both. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  15. For the frag swap if it were going to be at my place... I have a moosedrool brown ale that I just kegged.. it will be ready for Daytona next Sunday.. Ill be happy to share at any meet that I host though. I'm thinking of a hef for March so I can have green beer if I want to. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
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