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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. probably because they couldn't figure out how to get a good photo of them in the water.. or lacked the right equipment to do so.. who knows.. I wouldn't do it or even condone it.
  2. looks like they were taken with just the actinics.. shoot raw (if your camera will let you) and then adjust white balance in post process.. or.. use the custom white balance (again if your camera will let you) and set your white balance manually and then shoot the photos. Good luck, -Jake
  3. Here is a good read on what you should look for in a camera and what will suit your needs.. Long, but good read. http://www.theverge.com/2012/1/2/2663464/camera-buyers-guide
  4. Bringing.. Green bubble tip anemone purple tip green hammer large kenya tree xenia covered rock bright green gsp green pallys hollywood stunner green galaxia Yellow eyelash polyp whamin watermellon zoa eye of rah zoa unknown zoa unknown pally trumpet/candy cane coral striped mushroom
  5. could always bring those to the frag swap....
  6. ^^ good job Derrick.. With a dslr a lot of it will have to do with your lens capability..You will also want to always shoot RAW if your camera has the capability with AWB (Auto White Balance). Editing RAW does not degrade the photo like editing jpg and you have more control of editing White Balance when editing a RAW image. With point and shoots you want to watch your ISO.. It can make your photos real grainy.. ALWAYS ALWAYS use a tripod and use a delay on the camera to avoid camera shake. If you are trying to shoot fish, it is a different story.
  7. so.. your wife is letting you get rid of the frogspawn eh?
  8. umm sure.. But I thought you were a nikon guy..
  9. I'm bringing some stuff.. All LPS, zoas, and a GBTA... .. Ohh.. and my camera..
  10. I know we are going to the Bahamas in July.. and thinking of a Sea World trip at some point..
  11. Jakedoza

    free fish

    aww man... I'm wanting a long nose.. oh well.. good luck.
  12. Jakedoza

    free fish

    Ive been wanting one of those.. if it is the right one.. do you have a pic?
  13. http://www.wimp.com/pearlfishbehavior/
  14. I still think the blue ring octopus crack I made as Tim was elbow deep in my tank takes the cake.. Maybe we got it on video..
  15. Thanks to everyone who made it.. It was a great turn out and the keg was tapped out... Great meeting.
  16. Gotcha... I have a hood on my tank and about 12" to play with above the tank. Is someone bringing a PAR meter to the meeting?
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