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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Larger tanks are easier.. They do require more maintenance, love, and care.. but you will not regret it.. I started with a 135 and still have it.. I just recently got a 29BC and wish I could have two large tanks..
  2. I got some gift certs this past weekend for my birthday and decided to pick up a new tank mate..
  3. No.. I ordered it directly from Jake at RCA.
  4. As some of you know, I set up a 29 Bio Cube and bought a Warty Frogfish for it.. I was very surprised that he ate a silverside and has so a couple of times. Here is a video of the 3rd one he has eaten. I have been feeding him one about every 3 days. NOTE: At 1:04 he starts swinging his angler about..
  5. I have 7 confirmed... My wife gets in free since she is a teacher ( I did not count her in the 7).. and we have 2 under 2 that get in free...1 (me) confirmed for the tour... possibly 2..
  6. Jakedoza

    Turbo Snails

    I can use a couple.. I'm in Leander-Jake Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  7. The mollies I got from RCA have had babies already, but only 2... One of the females must have been prego already. The Frogfish ate a frozen IQF silverside tonight. I dangled one in there just to see if he would be interested and accidentally dropped it, It ended up landing on the sand bed right in front of him. He looked at if for a few seconds and then gulped it down..
  8. Update.... Coral seems to be growing the same if not better... I have also noticed less algae on the front glass. I would have to clean it every day with the t5s.. now it is optional. I still get some algae, but it is not near as noticeable.
  9. 250 in Leander? What part? I'm in Leander and it almost 400 at times.. -Jake Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  10. Coral seem to be doing great. No bleaching at all so far. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  11. http://blog.aquanerd.com/2012/05/rumor-acrylic-tank-manufacturing-partnering-with-petco-for-aquarium-installation-and-service.html I'm not sure what to think about this.. I mean it could be a really good thing as far as education is concerned...
  12. Thanks Kim.. Ill have to check that out. I was acutally going to ask you about that, we must be on the same wavelength. Thanks Dave.. I'm a week or so shortfor the fish photo contest.. oh well.. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  13. LOL!.. I have a small 2.5 gal tank I'm going to put some mollies and ghost shrimp in.. That will be dinner..
  14. The LEDs were getting a bit hot so I added some more u-channel, built a "tunnel" above them and inserted a fan.. I also built some lens covers.
  15. Interesting... I'll have to remember that.. Though what I ordered was only $20..
  16. lol... yeah.. but that may have more to do with the handling company.. who knows.. haha
  17. Thanks Derek for the good idea.. I hadn't thought of a frogfish until you posted that. Today I picked up my new Warty Frogfish...
  18. So, I made a Marine Depot order and I received an email letting me know my order had shipped... I laughed my rear off at this one.. Thanks Marine Depot! This one takes the cake. -Jake Your aquarium supplies have been carefully picked from Marine Depot's shelves like delicate berries and placed into a wicker basket lined with unicorn fur. With the grace of a ballerina, we tiptoed them to our packing station where Santa's Elves—who work with us during their off-season—prepared your order for shipment. Your products were methodically placed in each box using techniques taught to us by a former Tetris World Champion. Using a pair of tweezers, we placed hundreds of packing peanuts one-by-one into every nook and cranny to ensure safe transport. We are proud to share with you that our packing peanuts are reusable, recyclable, biodegradable and made using 100% recycled content. They also do not trigger peanut allergies. Eat your heart out, Mr. Peanut. Saying goodbye to such sought-after products is always gut-wrenching. That is why we offer employees unlimited handkerchiefs as a part of our generous benefits package. As your order was whisked away at light speed down our assembly line into the loving arms of the shipping courier, our warehouse elves, with tears in their eyes, joined hands and whispered, "Jábba sô kalîk qonay." We don't speak Elvish ourselves, but they tell us the rough translation is "May these supplies bring stability and success to the aquarium and its owner." Wow, we are getting a little choked up ourselves now. Thanks, elves. As the delivery truck pulled away from our warehouse dock, a rare double rainbow appeared overhead. That's when we knew the products we had raised since they were mere hatchlings were on their way to a better home. Please take care of them and, we promise, they will take care of you. With sincere appreciation, The MarineDepot.com Family
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