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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Tim.. I have the space... But I don't have the monies... I don't think Hydro will trade a 135 for a 300 or I'd jump all over it.
  2. The area is 6x11x24.. almost 7gallons of water space.. I learned something else interesting while researching.. Though I and many others have used the term "octopi", it is actually incorrect. Since the word Octopus is of Greek origin and not Latin. The archaic plural of octopus is octopodes, but octopus has been used in the English language for centuries and is considered an English word. Octopuses is the actual correct word to be used when referring to more than one octopus.. Reference: http://grammarist.com/usage/octopi-octopuses/
  3. yeah... My wife won't let me get one.. but it is probably a good thing with an almost 2yr old in the house..
  4. I did get it at RCA.. it is small, so it will grow. Not sure on the species, it is brown though. I will be feeding ghost shrimp primarily, but I did put a couple of larger hermits in there as well as a couple of chromis fish. It is reef safe, but not fish/mollusk/crustacean safe. Thus the reasoning for sectioning off a small part of the tank.
  5. There is a physical barrier.. It does not prevent flow..
  6. hahaha... just realized.. Hopefully my cage wont fail with a power outage.. lol
  7. mmm then it releases ink... and it goes through filtration (skimmer and carbon).
  8. Yep.. You heard me right.. I put an octopus in my main DT with all my other fish.. I watched as it walked around the area and tested every corner for a way out.. I succeeded in creating a sealed box in the main DT with flow..
  9. Ill 2nd for AHB (Austin Home Brew) They are food grade and easy to clean out with warm water. I think they sell them for $20 but I could be wrong.
  10. I will see you there.. Thanks Teresa for hosting.
  11. Not sure this is news.. but cool none the less.
  12. I did get the last one they had... I'm sure I can afford to frag it after it gets larger.
  13. Thank you Sea World..
  14. I have had several people ask me about my LEDs and how my coral was doing.. Here is a video I took today.
  15. bahhh... I like the trap... He is just a smart fish.. Seems happy in the tank, caught him perching on my frag rack this morning.
  16. As always.. I'm open.. I have new LEDs now too Maybe not Dec15th.. That is the wife's birthday.
  17. sorry guys... server has been up and down all day with the storms.. It is up now.. (9:40pm)
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