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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Yeah... I'd def do this over going to the meet.. I wanted to be a fighter pilot ever since high school and was on track until my eyes went from better than 20/20 vision to slightly fuzzy... Boy was I devastated. Dreams of flying an F16 went down the drain.. Have fun and take some video!
  2. Those that went to Sea World and took the tour may recognize this coral. I purchased this coral in July at RCA. When purchased the coral looked like this. Now the coral looks like this.. Not nearly as "Pink" but it is healthy and growing very slowly. I'm thinking it may need more light, but I'm not sure.
  3. eh.. I got lazy and let it all go.. story of my life.. I wan't to get it going again, but finding it hard to motivate myself since my tank isn't in need of it as it once was. I get a good film of algae that grows on the glass that I scrub off every couple of days. I figure that serves as a good feeding. Anyone else have any thoughts on that?
  4. Jakedoza

    Purple Tang

    My offer is still available if interested.
  5. Sweet, the zoas I got from you are opened up as well. Glad we could trade.
  6. Welcome you guys, and super excited to be able to take a tour next month.
  7. cool site... Not sure what I would need for a 6ft tank though.. Not that I'm looking to replace my LED setup.. Just curious.. I do want to add to it though.
  8. I have that coral... It seems to be doing well.
  9. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/82816556/
  10. Jakedoza

    Purple Tang

    It could be an honest mistake, as they look almost identical as juveniles. I could also be mistaken, but it looks like it has a yellow tail in that photo.
  11. Jakedoza

    Purple Tang

    It was me you told in PM.. BTW.. If that is the sailfin in the photo there, that is a Pacific and not a Desjardini (Red Sea). I'm not sure of the aggressive differences, but I do know that the Pacifics can get much larger than the Desjardinis. I do know that the Desjardinis can be quite aggressive, even more so than the yellow. That is a beautiful Purple tang and I wish was able to give it a good home.
  12. I texted you a couple of photos.. Sorry for the quality, I used my phone. I'd e interested in Fire n Ice and Tubbs Blue if possible. Thanks, -Jake
  13. what brand is best??? Big debate.. Bottom line is, you can't go wrong with either canon or nikon. I shoot canon, but they have been proven to be more expensive when it comes to lenses simply because they are the only company that makes their own. Go to Precision and hold both and try shooting with both. What it comes down to is which one is more comfortable to shoot with if you have not had any experience with either. With DSLR you can get better photos, but it is all in the lens and lenses is where you can spend the money. You definitely get what you pay for when it comes to quality. You have more room for post process if you shoot in raw which is an advantage over any point and shoot. I guess the bigger question is what is your budget? You can spend about 400-600 on an entry level DSLR with a cheap lens (kit lens). Lenses can range from 500-4000 depending on what you are wanting to do. Check out craigslist, they have a big video section. If you get one used online, ask for original receipts of where it was purchased. There are a lot of counterfeits out there. B&H on Amazon are reputable and Precision is as well, but they are more pricey.. Knowledge is key when it comes to photography. There is plenty of it online and there are several people on here that also shoot. Good luck and have fun. -Jake
  14. I don't think anyone would laugh at your tank.. not out loud anyway.. all kidding aside. We all had to start somewhere and I'm sure all of us at one point had a tank that would deem laughable.. I know I did.. The only way to gain knowledge and understanding is to be involved and ask questions and not to be afraid. You get a big thumbs up from me.. :-D
  15. they can fit through anything they can get their beak through.
  16. Photos are posted here: http://www.austinreefclub.com/gallery/album/492-september-meet/
  17. Jakedoza

    IMG 3756

    From the album: September Meet

  18. Jakedoza

    IMG 3755

    From the album: September Meet

  19. Jakedoza

    IMG 3754

    From the album: September Meet

  20. Jakedoza

    IMG 3753

    From the album: September Meet

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