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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Go here: www.jamsessionphoto.com click on store and then on purchase photos. You will have to create a user name and password After you do that and authenticate you can log in and view the gallery I have there.. I'm working on a public gallery at the moment. arc details here
  2. Great meeting you guys and thanks for the hospitality. Thanks for all who came out and congrats to those who won prizes.
  3. ok... so the body is probably <2"... I think it will be fine. It may try and get into places breaking off spines, but its typical. Mine was gone for about 2 months at one point and just showed up one day. It got behind the rock work and was chowing down on coraline algae back there.
  4. 9in body or spines? Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
  5. I have a HollyWood stunner that is ready to go green with purple rim monti cap, red monti cap, verious zoa and pallys..
  6. My old frogfish... I'm thinking of another one, but I have an octopus in the 29 now.. This should be the ONLY fish in the tank unless you don't mind it being food. Frogfish can eat anything the size they are.. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/22427-what-to-put-in-my-new-tank-picture-update-feeding-video/ http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/22701-frogfish-eating-iqf-silverside/
  7. Nope... I do dose Kent essential elements and lugols every week.. That is all I do.. I feed Rods food as well. Duncans may get food from that.
  8. That duncan I got from you at the last swap has 4 heads on it now.. It looks nice.
  9. http://www.smithsoni...E2275289.ws1913
  10. ok... so.. do I need to bring my camera or not? (For the club photo) If I bring it I don't want to have to leave it in the car, but I can keep it put away.
  11. Nice.. too bad I have no way to pick it up.
  12. Jakedoza

    Large tunicates

    Sounds like that would be cool to go in a sea horse tank setup.
  13. Pretend the game is only televised on the Longhorn Network and that you don't get it...
  14. I will be there.. Still waiting to hear back on if it will be ok to bring a camera in or not. Mike, can you see if you can get a quicker answer for me? Thanks.
  15. Well.. if I had 400watts of LED I'm sure there would be no contest.. I do need to move it up in the tank though. Polyp extension is great. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
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