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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. hrm... that is an interesting idea..
  2. Would anyone be interested in a holdem poker night?
  3. As this month is the month that we all should be recognizing the things we are thankful for, I would like you to submit photos of the fish or coral that you are the most thankful for. You can also leave a note as to why you chose the item, but it is not required.
  4. For those that do not know me, I am Jake. I am the club photographer and am taking over the photo contest. Thank you James for doing such a wonderful job and we hope you keep submitting photos. I want to change things up a little it just to hopefully get more photos. Really the only thing that will change is the timeline. I will do my best to start every new photo contest on the 1st of each month.. You will have the ENTIRE month to submit photos. The deadline for this month will be November 30th at midnight. On Dec 1st I will start a new photo contest for the month as well as start the voting for Novembers photos. I have found myself going to submit a photo when I realized that submission for the month had ended. I do not know if I have been the only one, but hopefully not. For those that have never submitted photos and want to, please don't hesitate to do so. The "best" photo is always a vote of you (the members), so, it isn't always voted on by technicality. Everyone has a chance to win, so have fun. As this month is the month that we all should be recognizing the things we are thankful for, I would like you to submit photos of the fish or coral that you are the most thankful for. You can also leave a note as to why you chose the item, but it is not required. Please note the rules: Picture must be taken by you. One entry per person. Picture must contain be aquatic themed/related. (New) You may only win once per calendar year. Thus if you win a photo contest in 2012, you will not be able to enter any future contests for the year. We feel this gives everyone a chance in the contests throughout the year. Submit your photos to the following gallery: November Photo Contest Gallery Submissions close at midnight November 30th. Winner receives a $25 Reefs2Go gift certificate! Good luck and have fun!
  5. It was still there when I left... Good luck looking for it.
  6. how about Gallagher? I'll take bids to do Gallagher.. LIVE WEB CAM!
  7. hahahaha... You had to be there to get that... lol
  8. Thanks guys.. I'm going to carve something else haloweeny on the other side for the kiddos
  9. Jakedoza

    Petco LOL

    Doesn't surprise me..
  10. First you need to buy a pumpkin.. Next obtain an ARC logo and print.. Next get your tools together, cut open pumpkin and clean out. Next draw your stencil on to the area of the pumpkin where you want your ARC logo Next you can start to carve out your pumpkin. I used a dremel tool.. NOTE: This can be a bit messy, Do this outside if you use a dremel.. Note to self.. Next year wear an apron..
  11. I think you need to change your screen name to gifman..
  12. Jakedoza

    Petco LOL

    Those aren't in there for decoration... Those are food.. But I didn't tell PetCo..
  13. Jakedoza

    Petco LOL

    I picked this guy up earlier this week.. Got it from Jake at RCA It was listed under new arrivals, so I rushed down there to nab it before anyone else.
  14. Jakedoza

    Petco LOL

    ^^ I wouldn't, but it would be nice.
  15. Jakedoza

    Petco LOL

    This is why we as a club and you guys as members are here.. To help new comers with good information. Now.. so we can educate the ones who do not know any better, why is this photo a bad representation, and what should be done differently?
  16. Is is sad that I just now saw this thread? Sorry
  17. Yes... Nominal lagering times are 3 - 4 weeks at 45°F, 5 - 6 weeks at 40°F, or 7 - 8 weeks at 35°F.
  18. I think that is similar to a lager.. http://www.austinhomebrew.com/product_info.php?cPath=178_452_43_255&products_id=1731 Yep it is... In order to do a lager you need to be able to ferment at low temps... I have a fermentation chiller, but I can't get temps low enough to do a lager. Beers like that are really hard to do because there is not much taste there. The less taste the more you can taste screw ups..
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