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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. Jakedoza


    could have used a dollar bill... they are 6" long exactly. Now you know for next time.
  2. awesome shots. You are right.. you don't have to have a DSLR. What I always say.. Its not the camera.. Its the shooter The camera can help though.
  3. I wouldn't say that.. I have taken some really nice photos with a cheap camera. Just pick out a few that you really like and see what comes of it. It's the only way you learn. It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife as well, and thank you for opening up your home to us. Beautiful aquariums as well. Patrick, Thanks for your knowledge! I wouldn't call myself a "commercial" photographer, but thanks. LOL I'll need all the luck I can get for that car.. It's beginning to be a PITA.
  4. It was nice to meet you guys at the meeting. Here are just some of the photos that I took. I hope everyone enjoys!
  5. Thanks. I checked it out, but doesn't look like I am qualified. Darn those certifications . That's why I took up photography.
  6. ohhh weel... yes, you can build one cheaper than you can buy one, but building them can also be more expensive depending on what you want out of it. When I build systems I use quality parts.. When buying them pre-built, you get parts from the lowest bidder. Let me know if you ever need a system put together, I can price it for you and build one custom to what you need it for. Thanks!
  7. I have over 12 years experience working on computer systems, but I have been out of a job for quite some time now. If anyone is in need of ANYTHING computer related I would love to give you a hand. Setting up networks, new systems, repairing laptop DC jacks and LCD screens. Data recovery on pretty much any device that data is written on... and removing viruses too. I will beat any PC shop in town on prices.. and I will barter aquarium stuff if it is something that I need. PM for details!
  8. Did it jam the pump with a pebble?
  9. No it didn't.. I was kinda curious at how I would tell when the filters needed to be changed. I was just going to keep a log on how much water went through the thing since we are not using for drinking water. That is a good idea though.
  10. gotcha.. yeah.. I figured Salinity was a given.. lol
  11. I guess I have some things to learn coming from FW.. I know the basic levels I need to watch.. Ammonia Nitrates Nitrites PH Hardness of water... What else is there to monitor?
  12. nope.. its brand stinking new.. I had to unwrap the thing
  13. Doesn't a water softener do the same thing?
  14. So.. I picked up yet another deal.. I hope for my setup. I found a FSHS CW5000 4 stage system for $50.. got to love Craigslist. http://www.yourwaterneeds.com/DW_CW5000.asp what do you guys think? Will this work?
  15. oh well, thanks for the replies... maybe I can sell it on craigslist to put towards a pump... anyone need a sump pump??
  16. hmm.... didn't think about that..
  17. So as some of you may know I am setting up a reef tank for the first time and am researching and getting the equipment to do it. My uncle replaces lights for a living and gets ballasts for pretty much nothing.. so he gave me two HO T5 ballasts.. woo hoo! Now I can get bulbs and I have light. While we were in his garage looking for the ballasts I ran across a sump pump that was in the corner... To make a long story short he gave me the pump too.. The Pump is a Dayton 1XHV6.. Here are the specs...http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/items/1XHV6 Now, I have a 135 gallon aquarium and the specs say that this pump pushes 46 GPM at 10ft head, which is about what it will be.. 2760 GPH. That means that my tank will turn over 20 times in an hour.. From what I have read, this is ok, but I would like to get some other opinions. I will have to add more to the sump system like a 20 gal aquarium, but I do have a CPR CY194 Cyclone Bio Filter for a protein skimmer. I am going to drill the tank, but I don't know what size I should drill.. I was thinking 1.5". Thanks for opinions and advice!
  18. Cool, Thanks guys! I also posted an add on the trade section regarding computer repair and photography.. If anyone is interested LMK
  19. Thanks for the reply you guys. I will certainly see about getting the right stuff... Any recommendations on where to get live rock? I'm setting up a new tank, so it will not have to be cured... but, I am on a VERY tight budget.
  20. Jakedoza

    willing to trade

    I am a professional photographer and have 12+ years computer experience.. and out of a job currently. I am willing to trade my services for live rock or any other marine equipment. here are my portfolios. http://www.jamsessionphoto.com http://picasaweb.goo...jamsessionphoto I have a 135G tank cs100 overflow box cy194 Cyclone Bio Filter Rio 1700 for skimmer Mag5 for return I am looking for lighting, an additional pump, live rock.. etc... If this is against forum policy, I do apologize.
  21. This might be a dumb question.. but can volcanic rock be used for coral or live rock in an aquarium? why or why not?
  22. I'm certified.. Wife and I bought a house last summer and didn't get to go much.. Looking forward to this summer though.
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